Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why Invicta Watches For Men Sizzle!

There is one compelling reason why men buy expensive items in life, and this has to do with social standing, a pecking order if you will. In the animal kingdom, male birds have the brightest plumage, so they stand out when attracting female birds, and the loudest and most animated of male birds usually win in the mating contest.

Antelope or Buck too, the most powerful have the largest antlers, and have a graceful, almost arogant gait as if they own the entire animal kingdom. As for the king of all beasts, the lion; he who has the largest mane, usually golden brown, bordering on black, is usually the dominant male, and all other male lions cower in fear of his presence.

With all their machismo and bravado, male species of all animals and mammals bow down, almost lower their status if you will, in the presence of females! The more prettier the female/s, the more powerful the male status in society is assumed to be. After all, what mere mortal would dare to be seen with a model-type damsel in distress on his arm?

Let's face it, unless you're the big Don Jun Dermarco himself, your chances of dating model material are, hmm, pretty's just nature, and it will be for eternity. So, in order to establish "their territory" or place in society, men, including myself may I add, surround ourselves with material possessions that we know Jose the private contractor will never be able to afford.

With more money, men purchase fast cars, yachts, private planes, consult millionaire matchmakers to find them suitable female companions etc, etc, etc.

As for the lesser man in the street, the best we can do, is buy a big screen tv, put a satellite dish on our roof to show the world we have access to cable television (or none thereof), or be stuck with high monthly payments for a car no one cares to look twice at!

However, all that's about to change because, it's a well known fact that celebrities, because they all have money, so flaunting money will not help, usually prefer big faced expensive watches to establish their pecking order.

A wrist watch says a lot of things about you, it says you have class, you're unique, perhaps masculine, like to play rough and do not believe in over the counter mass produced brands you can get from your local supermarket for less than minimum wage!

With that being said, invicta watches for men is one such brand of men's watch that will earn you instant credibility! It really is an interesting society we live in. It's as if all the lights have been turned off and, the moment you expose your watch, all the lights in the room are directed straight at your wrist!

The thing I love about invicta watches is, they're Huge, no arguing about that, and they're Swiss made too! If you have tiny wrists, be prepared to have your whole arm engulfed with this bad boy!

As one shopper recently confided in me, he just could not stop smiling from ear to ear and the attention he was getting from female members of society, even those that would never have looked twice at him before, boosted his self confidence to such a level he could approach anyone and be cocky about it.

Why? Because he can, and has the watch to make people not answer back as if they're talking to the maid!

In a nutshell, an invicta men's watch acts as a status symbol. It's like a silent partner that goes around the room whispering to anyone who cares to listen, that you're loaded, and the car you're driving is just a decoy, there's plenty more where that came from!

As a knee-jerk reaction, and you can be forgiven for this, the first thing that's undoubted to come out of your mouth the first time you see an invicta men's watch, is a loud OMG! Then, after composing yourself, and forgetting your manners, is asking how much it costs! Shh...between you and me, most invicta watches for men cost less than the elaborate cheap brands spilling over every jewelery cabinet at your local supermarket!

The craftsmanship of these watches is unparalleled, it is after all, a Swiss Hand made Chronograph, and each watch is as unique as the owner who wears it! So, if it's throat gripping attention you seek, or you just want to turn heads in restaurants etc, then I think you've just found your muse!

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